English.round up 2

Տանը կատարել Round up 2 գրքից՝ առ.1,2,3 էջ՝56-57:


next to the sofa.

in front of them.

on it.

under the table.



next to, on the bed, on the table too, on, on, behind, under, above.

Տանը կատարել Round up 2 գրքից առ. 2, էջ՝58, առ 2,3, էջ՝60, առ.4,5 էջ՝62:


under, on, between, behind, on.


At midnight, in april, on april, at, at, in, in, at, on, at, in


1.On april 1st, in autumn❌, in august❌

2. In may❌, in summer❌, On may 31st

3.In winter❌,  in Sunday, in October❌

4. On July 4th, in spring❌, in February❌



2.John has a lunch before he washes dishes.

John washes dishes after lunch.

3. Alice has a shower before she gets dressed.

Alice gets dressed after the shower.

4. I watch tv before going to bed.

I go to bed after I watch tv.

5. My mother cooks a lunch before goes to work.

My mother goes to work after she cooks a lunch.

5.in, at, in the, in, at, on, on.